Andouille Sausage

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This is my latest batch of Andouille, I’m very happy with it. I used my recipe for Andouille but I changed my smoking technique a bit. I recently bought a Bradley Smoker, which now gives me the option of cold smoking which I did here. I smoked this batch at 90-100 degrees F for 10 hours with Pecan wood smoke, then I let it hang in the refrigerator for 3 days, to continue to cure and dry out a bit.

I cut into one link so that you could see the coarse texture. I hand chopped half of the meat from a 5 pound Boston Butt into small cubes, and ground the other half. I also added additional fat which I cubed, as you can see in the cut link.

This is not a paid advertisement for Bradley smokers. I love this contraption. It has a mechanism that feeds the compressed woodchips, called bisquettes onto a small hotplate that makes a perfectly clean smoke for 20 minutes then dumps the spent bisquette into a bowl of water, while feeding a new one onto the plate. There is a heat element in the smoke tower, that allows you to control the temperature. You can fill the smoke generator up with bisquettes and let it run for 8 hours without even touching it. It works so well that it almost takes the fun out of it for me. 🙂 I’m so used to tending the fire.

The only downside that I’ve found with this smoker so far is that you’re locked in to buying their Bisquettes“>bisquettes, but you can get them relatively cheaply on the net, about $15 dollars for 48 bisquettes. I paid around $300 for the smoker, which I thought was a steal. I first read about it in, what is in my humble opinion, the best cookbook to come out in years, Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking, and Curing by Michael Ruhlman and Detroit area Chef Brian Polcyn. Their recommendation really paid off, I really love my new toy.

Be sure and check out my ever growing Index of Creole & Cajun Recipes!

Related Posts:

Jacob’s Andouille

For more on Andouille see Jason Perlow’s All About Andouille post at Off the Broiler!

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10 thoughts on “Andouille Sausage”

  1. Thanks for another great post Danno.

    I love how you really go for the basics–sausage making, homemade “wachester” sauce, etc.

    Best of luck and thanks.


  2. I just wanted to ask which you prefer. I am new to making and smoking sausage and don’t know if I should use hog casing or beef for andouille. I read your recipe and you said beef if you can get it. But please clear this up, all the sites I have checked say the beef casings are not edible. So does that mean if I use beef casings I am going to have to peel the andouille before i can use it? Thanks, Chris.

  3. I hate eating sausage w/ even a slightly chewy casing. I really want to try your recipe but wonder if there’s a very light (barely noticible) casing I can buy and where?
    Also, are you cooking the butt 1st? If so, is the sausage edible without cooking? They look great!
    thanks, Gary

  4. Thanks for a great web site on N.O. cooking. It is almost impossible to get good Andouille outside of Louisiana. I did find some hand made Andouille, at Uncle Bill’s in Missoula MT of all places, and it was excellent! Thanks again for a great site.
    Bill Hackett

  5. Hi, just found your site can’t wait to try your recipes Calas Beignets… The Andouille looks amazing, I noticed on your recipe you say “The internal temperature of the sausage should read 155º F on an instant read thermometer” but here you cold smoke @90-100 for eight hours is that it or do you increase the temp to get the 155 internal temp? I live in California and have never seen real Andouille here either well except what my friend brought me from Louisiana.

  6. Bought a meat grinder and anxious to try your recipe for Andouille sausage. The grinder has a kubbe attachment but no directions as to what it’s for or how to use it. Got any ideas?

  7. Your andouille was never smoked to a safe temperature ie. 155 deg.F internal temp. Instead you smoked it more like a cured ham and in order to eat it safely you should cook to bring it up to temp.155-160 deg.F Heating it in a gumbo will do the trick. Very important to use instacure curing salts in the recipe to prevent bottulism if smoking at low temps. The andouille looks terrific!

  8. Couldn’t agree more with your mention of poor andouille choices being away from the south as well. I’ve always mirrored your likeness of the sausage here having the consistency of a hot-dog.

    Great call on linking Jacob’s Andouille too, although I’m sadly disappointed by the rediculous shipping charges that have recently rendered purchasing from them a non-option. I used to buy their sausage and tasso consistently, but cannot justify roughly $12/lb to ship a few pounds to Nevada, so I usually stock up around the time I order live crawfish since the vendors just throw the sausage and such right in with the mudbugs and saves a good chunk on shipping fees and they come overnight, albeit its not Jacob’s quality, it’s still better than any other option out here.

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